It's been too long since the last post here! Let's fix that:
The design will be built on two pieces of 9x15 cm .1" perfboard, and connections will be made between chips using enameled magnet wire. I chose this method of construction mainly because it was cheaper that the traditional wire-wrap construction most hobbyists use when attempting this type of digital project- the sockets needed to do wire wrap would cost me about $1.50 a piece, which, times about 50 chips, equals $75. Ok. Maybe that's not so bad, but still- I'm not made of money (read: I'm a cheapskate).
Using ~30 gauge magnet wire, you still are wiring connections point-to-point, but instead of wrapping the wire around posts, you simply turn your soldering iron up to around 700F, and burn the insulation off of the very end of the wire and then solder your connection. The downside to this method is that the burning insulation can release dangerous chemicals, so you need to work in a well-ventilated area. Also, not all magnet wire types are created equal- some have insulation that will not melt under heat
Stay tuned for more updates, pictures and schematics. I'm currently working on the control logic section of the first board, and just finished the clock section. So far, so good!
-Ben, doitnowlabs
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